Geltu! (e. Bark!) short films nominated to the Icelandic Film Awards 2025

Our short film Geltu!, has just been nominated for Children's and Youth Film of the Year at the 2025 Icelandic Film Awards - The Edda! Produced by Anna Sæunn Ólafsdóttir and Lea Ævars for NyArk Media.

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to this beautiful and important project, which tells the tale of the trans girl Blær, her friends and the bullying she has to endure and fight against. A truly important story in today's world!

Directed by the amazing duo:
Sol Berruezo Pichon-Rivière
Sigríður Láretta Jónsdóttir - wich also wrote this fantastic script

Our talented young actors:
The hero herself, Sóldögg Freyja Sveinsdóttir!
Bader Alejandro
Nelly Flores
Arnaldur Halldórsson
Karen Sif Kamgan
Salvör Borgarsdóttir
Lúkas Emil Johansen
Victor Sverrisson
And the young Benedikt Þór Davíðsson

Our incredible cinematography and technical team:
Elvar Örn Egilsson - DOP
Einar Ólafur Eyland - 1stAC / Colour Grade
Stefán Arnar Alexandersson - Gaffer
Pálmi Birgisson -Swinger

Our brilliant production designer:
Paloma Donnini

Our sound magician:
Kristbjörg Lára Gunnarsdóttir

Amazing Original Music by:
Jirí Alvriv

The Fantastic Makeup artist:
Junior Sánches

And our hardworking production crew:
Katla Gunnlaugsdóttir
Birna Ösp Traustadóttir

Alicia Chanavat

A special thanks to the amazing Arna Magnea Danks for fight direcing and invaluable advice!
And of course, to Ofbeldisforvarnaskólinn for initiating and bringing us on board for this production!