NyArk Media is a media and film production company located in Northern Iceland. We specialise in film production and production services in the area with cooperation internationally.
Our Mission
NyArk Media focuses on interdisciplinary approach on storytelling via film, publishing, social media and other unknown future medias. Our aim is to cause positive impact on our audience and readers.
We see everything in an abstract way, our drive is to change the world for the better one step at a time, thought by thought, word for word, in a fun, creative way driven by true vision, burning interest, professionalism and specified knowledge for every position.
Our believes consists of the idea that the human mind has the ability to expand to the unknown, but that we are hardwired to follow certain patterns, based on our environment and influence. By expanding, opening up our mind we are able to make more impact than we ever realized.
Focusing on the connections and conflicts humans experience with each other, nature and their own self through an intense combination of visuals and sound, -we strive to tell stories that make you look at the world in a different way.
Founded and owned by young North Icelandic actress, director and producer, Anna Olafs, who's mission is to work with creatives partners in Iceland and globally on projects that promote equality, more quality of life and sustainability.
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated”
What We've Achieved
- Production department of Cannes 2015 Un Certain Ragards winning film Rams.
- Line Producing of best Icelandic Short 2015, Rainbow Party.
- Winner of The Pich in Cannes 2015 with our co production short film Salvarion.
- Selected to participate in the Filmmaking Seminar Scanorama Shurtcut in Lithuania and Iceland 2015 .
- Selected to participate in the Young Nordic Producers Club in Cannes Film Festival 2016.
- Selected to participate in the Digital DNA in Northern Ireland 2016, a digital media conference and networking project conducted by MyCreativeEdge in Europe.